Quotes From "Abhorsen" By Garth Nix

Time and death sleep side by side.
Time and death sleep side by side. Garth Nix
Time plays tricks between here and home,
Time plays tricks between here and home, " said Mogget sepulchrally, frightening the life out of the telephone operator. Garth Nix
But think of how much worse it would be to...
But think of how much worse it would be to sit here, not knowing. Until the Dead choke the Ratterlin and Hedge walks across the dry bed of the river to batter down the door. Garth Nix
Maybe if I act well enough, I'll come to believe it myself. Garth Nix
As for you, Private, if you mention a word of this to anyone, I'll feed you to the cat thing here. Understand?""Yum, " said Mogget."Yes, sir! " mumbled the telephone operator, his hands shaking as he tried to smother the burning wreckage of his switchboard with a fire blanket. Garth Nix
I won't let you go! I love you, Dog! ''There will be other dogs and friends, and loves' whispered the Dog. 'You have found your family, your heritage, and you have earned a high place in the world. I love you too, but my time with you has passed. Garth Nix
So I'll do that, and I'll do my best and if my best isn't good enough, at least I will have done everything I could, everything that is in me. I don't have to try to be someone else, someone I could never be. Garth Nix
Nick shook his head and found to his surprise that he did have tears left after all. He wasn't surprised by a talking cat. The world was crumbling around him and anything could happen. Garth Nix